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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Thirty Nine!!!

Thirty-nine years ago today, George Lucas was sitting at his desk, working on something, when he got a strange feeling. He looked up, away from his work, and glanced out the window at the dusky sky. He couldn't quite put his finger on why, but he made a note on his "To Do" list: Look into how to get a restraining order.

Now, why he did this on the day of my birth, I have no idea....


  1. Happy Birthday --hope you have a great day and an even better year!

  2. Happy birthday. 39 is a great birthday. I've been 39 for several birthdays now. Oh Rochester!

  3. Happy birthday, my online friend!

  4. Many Happy Returns, Kelly, you young whipper snapper, you!

  5. Happy birthday! Glad you liked my present!


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