:: Is it pathetic that somebody with nine times the median household income thinks of himself as just another average Joe, just another "working American"? Yes. Do I find it embarrassing that somebody whose income is in the top 1% of American households thinks that he is not rich? Yes.
:: We have a bad habit of remembering Presidents as if they were or ought to have been genies.
:: Star Wars, Muppets, and Disney: three things I've always known.
:: His name was Mr. Crothers, and we called him “The Crud”, or just “Crud”. We called him that to his face. It was a term of endearment, if you can believe it. We loved him. (This is a beautiful post. Go read it.)
:: For the past 25 years, it has primarily been my duty to load the bathroom tissue onto the tissue holder(s).
:: But of course good military SF also needs the shooting and explosions. You can’t go wrong with those.
:: I'd just like to point out one thing: The Crocs are still the stupidest-looking part of that ensemble.
:: “Rest in Peace” is the most common line I’ve ever seen on a headstone.
Sometimes I wonder if it isn’t a plea. (Go read this one too.)
Pretty good week out there in Blogistan! Let's try to keep it going, folks. Don't let me down!
AND Americans, collectively, are so much richer than so many other people in the world...