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Tuesday, July 13, 2010


CURSE YOU!!!, originally uploaded by Jaquandor.

So I settle in for my weekly dose of the beautiful Holli Hell's Kitchen, only to discover that the Major League Baseball All Star Game is on instead. Betrayer most foul!!!


  1. I just read this and ran to the TV and checked the online programing and you are right - fricken' baseball. Here's how you fix that game...get Ramsey out there to scare the crap out of everyone on the field and then tazz a few of them every ten mintues or so.

  2. I'm right there with you, man. I feel like it's just a wasted Tuesday night now. Why even have one?

  3. Tuesday night is Star Trek night in my nest. But then again so was Monday night.

  4. The All-Star game hass been on this week for years, and FOX has carried it for the last few, so it shouldn't have been a surprise.
    But I love the picture.

  5. Oh, I wasn't surprised at all; I knew about the game well beforehand. I just thought it a good opportunity for a goofy photo and some gripin'!


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