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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Real tree or fake tree?


  1. Fake. I like real trees, except for having to vacuum up the needles, having a fire hazard in my house, and the cats climbing the tree all the time. We used to get real trees every year. I have found evergreen needles from the Christmas tree as late as June.

  2. Thee Earl of Obvious12/16/09, 7:51 AM

    Fake tree but real garlands and wreaths.

  3. Real, no question. It's the smell of the pine that gets me over my fear of the critters living on the tree itself. And I also like when you vacuum up all the needles, your vacuum smells like Christmas for another couple weeks.

  4. Definitely an oil menorah, and cotton balls make the best wicks... oh. Sorry. Wrong blog.

  5. In the vein of Rod Flanders: Fake trees make baby Jesus cry.

  6. Make it real. I've allowed myself to be convinced that cutting down real trees are more environmentally friendly than the faux kind.

  7. A real tree that we trekked into the woods to find and our 3 boys help cut down...


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