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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Ten geek demerits for me....

A few days ago, Steven Den Beste posted a quickie item:

40 years ago, FRP was born. And because of that, a lot of babies weren't.

This puzzled me. See, in my job as a maintenance man, I have to work with FRP on occasion, occasionally mounting FRP panels to the backs of fixtures at The Store or even attaching FRP panels to walls. I thought this post over, unable to figure out why the advent of FRP paneling, especially in food-service environments, might lead to a reduction in certain birth rates.

And then I clicked through SDB's link, and realized that he wasn't referring to Fiber-reinforced Plastic. He was referring to Fantasy Role Playing. I think my geek cred may be slipping a bit.


  1. Thee Earl of Obvious9/9/09, 10:39 PM

    40 years ago, FRP was born. And because of that, a lot of babies weren't.

    Yeah, THAT'S why

  2. Fortunately, there were others to fill in the breach.


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