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Monday, August 03, 2009

Sentential Links #179


:: And remember this above all: the Republican making-shit-up industry is still the world’s finest.

:: Being an adult who never completely grew up is so much more fun than being an actual kid.

:: I am Praying for your soul, as only a truly evil person would put Diet Coke in the Cherry Coke dispenser.

:: 3:57pm: Nap nixed. Went to driving range and supervised. Gave no free advice. Contemplated plaid shorts vs. khakis. Plaid wins.

:: We decided we'd prefer to save a few bucks every quarter than be responsible for our poorest and most helpless fellow Americans, and guess what? That decision has come back to bite us.

:: What do we mean when we say historical fantasy?

:: My work on The Music of the Lord of the Rings Films has defined my creative life for many years. I began the work shortly after grad school, literally from my bedroom in my parents' house. As I've intimated, I may look at a non-Tolkien property before the heavy lifting on The Hobbit really sets in, but in many ways I feel like I'm not going to break stride at all. Middle-earth is going to continue to be my creative home -- our creative home -- for years to come.

More next week.


  1. Thee Earl of Obvious8/3/09, 9:34 AM

    Everyone will have free and affordable access to any and all health care available. Every drug will be developed, tested and put on the market without a profit motive. Regardless of your personal behavior you will have access to modern amenities which will make it easy and comfortable for you to carry on in life without changing this lifestyle you have become accustomed to, diabetes will be treated as an inevitability. Regardless of your age you will have free and easy access to elective surgery and all the Viagra you want. All of the testing that was developed in a for profit area will continue at the same pace just without profit.

    Oh, and we are not making shit up.

  2. Thee Earl of Obvious8/3/09, 10:35 AM

    "We decided we'd prefer to save a few bucks every quarter than be responsible for our poorest and most helpless fellow Americans and guess what? That decision has come back to bite us"

    Yes, lemmings feed the bureaucracy for it only does good and nobles deeds. Those who expect accountability or efficient delivery of services are evil. If you try to change the bureaucracy or criticize it you are then evil. YOU will be responsible for the homeless musician for there is no better way to help him than what we are doing.

    An actor that makes thousands of dollars an hour will prove it to you. All hail the actors.


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