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Monday, July 27, 2009

Sentential Links #179


:: Dearest David,

I am returning the beautiful necklace you gave me - not as a gesture if finality of our friendship, but because it is a special token in your family and I could not in good conscience keep it.
(Longtime readers will remember my fascination with finding old things left in old books; unearthing such items is a wonderful side-effect of haunting used bookstores and library book sales, and I wrote a story around such an event. This is a blog, new to me, that catalogs such finds.

:: When did the profit motive become the only reason to do anything? When did that become the new patriotism? Ask not what you could do for your country, ask what's in it for Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

:: So, Mr. President, I write to you with this demand: we are not a socialist country, one which believes the health of its citizens should come without the proper profit-loss determinations. I believe that my healthcare decisions should be between me, my insurance company plan, my insurance company's list of approved doctors I am allowed to see and treatments I am allowed to get, my insurance company's claims department, the insurance company doctors who have never met me, spoken to me or even personally looked at my files, my own preexisting conditions, my insurance company's crack cost-review and retroactive cancellation and denial squads, my insurance company's executives and board of directors, my insurance company's profit requirements, the shareholders, my employer, and my doctor.

:: (You can tell that I'm hard up for things to post about, can't you?) (Well, I found it interesting. One of those things I've noticed and wondered about, but not investigated. BTW, I see in comments that there used to be tuna pot pies available. I assume that tastes roughly like tuna casserole in a crust? Wow, that sounds good. I might make one of those next time I make my own pot pie.)

:: Well, it's not that bad, but it feels like the end of the world to me right at this moment. I'll get over it, but damn.


:: Imagine that the Monkees have a space ship and are exploring the galaxy, seeking out strange new worlds. . .in order to blow them up. And then it gets really weird. (And then it gets weird?!)

All for now. back next week.


  1. Thee Earl of Obvious7/27/09, 10:56 AM

    You realize that both of your starting guards were backups for the Browns?

    It all starts with the O-line. The Browns have it right a Pro bowler at left tackle and left guard along with a first round pick (should be rookie of the year this year) at Center. The right side is the side that can and should be filled by less qualified candidates. You can't have a line with all pro bowlers or they wont work together.

  2. Thee Earl of Obvious7/27/09, 12:36 PM

    This comment was misplaced

  3. seems to me I DID have tuna pot pie some decades ago. As I recall, I liked it.


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