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Monday, July 06, 2009

Sentential Links #176

Linking the linkable....

:: Let me say that I’ve really enjoyed this rare Friday-off three day weekend. I think it’s been a lot more fun than your traditional Monday-off three dayer. I think it’s the difference between a weekend that psychologically feels like it has two Saturdays and a weekend that psychologically feels like it has two Sundays. (That's pretty much the whole post, but I agree, which is why whenever I take long weekends from work I generally try to do Friday off rather than Monday. It just feels more like time off that way -- a day off and then my regular weekend is still there, which somehow feels more satisfying. I try to take four day weekends once in a while, although I can't do that nearly as often as I would like.)

:: If we use grinning, doomed Jeffy as a reference point, the monsters in the lowermost chambers have to be at least the size of a terrier. I’m sure all four of the children will make tasty treats for the Queen of this awful colony. (This is a first! I had the exact same thought when I read Family Circus in the paper yesterday: "Wow, the family's going to be eaten by Ants of Unusual Size! Awesome!")

:: It’s nice to know that the average sized, over forty, mother of five, grandmother of one rack can stack up to the 20 and 30-something mom bloggers out there. Thank you! (Yes, I voted. What can I say?)

:: That's why the song's so spare, why so much of nothing is going on in the opening strains: The music's become subservient to the video. (Interesting take on the Michael Jackson phenomenon.)

:: The question is whether changing enough to survive is really surviving. If you’re not who you were, aren’t you gone?

:: I am not unaware of the very real and legitimate problems that must be dealt with. But I am seeing them as just a piece of the puzzle, the shadow side of all that is light in my life. Without the dark side, I would never fully savor the sweetness of all I have that is good. So in a way, I can even be grateful for the bumps...while I do not eagerly invite them I recognize those are often my most powerful teachers in one fashion or another.

All for this week....

1 comment:

  1. the great thing about Mondays off is that when I get to Sunday night and realize all I didn''t get done, I get a redo.


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