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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

A two-fer topic today:

Donuts. Filled or unfilled? If filled, jelly or cream?


  1. Custard filled. (Bavarian/Boston Creme)

  2. Thee Earl of Obvious6/17/09, 9:21 AM

    I am much too health conscious to eat such slop.

  3. Sadly, I can't eat donuts any more (middle aged spread), but if I were, I don't really care whether they're filled or not, though I will say, back in the day, one of those currant/raspberry filled Bismarcks was a real treat.

  4. Filled, cream. Fruit has no place within a donut, even if it is 99% sugar.

  5. Filled, with some kind of cream cheese yum.

  6. Filled. With jelly.

    Unless chocolate, which requires no jelly.

  7. I'm with Erin. Bavarian cream.

  8. Either one but if filled, Bavarian creme. I used to love Dunkin Donuts Bavarian creme but there aren't any DD's in this area. Which is probably a good thing I suppose.

  9. I take the contrarian view - I like the unfilled better. Less messy for one.
    But jelly over creme.


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