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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Way to go, 1800s government doofuses!

One of my happy childhood memories is now dust: it turns out that the monument marking the spot where Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico meet in four corners isn't in the right spot. So instead of happily jumping from one state to another when we drove through there when I was eight, I was just some kid jumping around on a slab of rock like a dork. Oh well.


  1. I think it still counts.

    Eric P.

  2. Dude! Those lines? They're imaginary. Could be anywhere. Plus, you probably were a dork. Weren't we all?

  3. The Earl of Obvious4/22/09, 8:20 AM

    Good point Paul. The trick is trying to explain the pan-dorkiness of adolescence to the kids.

  4. No dorkiness for trying to be in 4 states more or less at once.


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