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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Unidentified Earth #62

First, the housekeeping. UI 59 was identified by Aaron as the Beartooth Highway, a road that winds through the alpine country between Montana and Wyoming in the vicinity of Yellowstone. Yay, Aaron! But UI 58 remains Unidentified, although Aaron is again on the right track. Perhaps what is throwing him off is the fact that the objects built here for the filming of the movie that was shot here are now no longer there? Anyway! And thus far, zero guesses on last week's UI 61. I guess we're not burning it up on that one, huh?

And now for the newest installment!

Where are we? Rot-13 your guesses, please!


  1. N jvyq thrff - gur pebffjnyx jurer gur Orrgyrf znqr gurve snzbhf nyohz pbire?


  2. Earl of Obvious4/12/09, 10:31 PM

    Cnfrb qr yn Ersbezn va Zrkvpb pvgl. Gur jbeyq erpbeq orvat gur zbfg cbyyhgrq pvgl?

  3. The Earl of Obvious4/20/09, 6:39 PM

    Jnyqb Cnex va Fnyrz Bertba. Gur jbeyqf fznyyrfg pvgl cnex.

  4. Zvyy Raqf Cnex, Cbegynaq Bertba.


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