OK, after a week off last week, UI returns. As of yet, UIs 58 and 59 are without guesses of any kind! If you were to approach UI 58 on horseback, you might hear somewhere in the back of your head the playing of a Hardanger fiddle, while UI 59 looks like one of the most nail-biting drives in North America. Hmmmmm.
And now, the new one:
Where are we? Rot-13 your guesses if you've got 'em, folks!
Svanyyl na rnfl bar! Guvf vf gur ovt "Z" hc ba gur uvyy nobir gur pnzchf bs gur Havirefvgl bs Zbagnan va Zvffbhyn (juvpu vf n terng yvggyr gbja, ol gur jnl).