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Monday, February 16, 2009

Watching 24: 2 pm to 3 pm

Due to all the craziness of recent weeks, I am now two episodes behind on my 24 watching. Aieee!!! So I finally started getting caught up, earlier this evening. Now I'm only one episode least for the next six minutes, because that's when the newest episode airs, which means I'll be right back to being two episodes behind. But I should be able to catch up.

In this episode, Jack and Company busted up Dubaku's operation, destroyed the CIP device...or the CPU device...or the CUP device...or the ICUP device...or whatever it is they're calling it. Yay, Jack! But here I'm getting all sad and stuff because some character who had been introduced in this episode committed a very brave act of self-sacrifice, for which he died. I'll always remember you, Chemical Planet Manager John Brunner!!!

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