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Friday, February 13, 2009


The Wife is home, safe and sound.

The Daughter and I picked her up on schedule last night, no problem, no fuss, no muss. But on the way home from the airport, we did notice five or six police cars and emergency vehicles speeding, lights flashing, past us on the eastbound lanes of I-90. We didn't really think much of this...until this morning, when I learned that within fifteen minutes of The Wife's plane landing, another plane went down about five minutes out from the Buffalo Niagara Airport.

What a strange mix of horror and relief. But for anyone reading this blog who might have seen notice of a plane crash in Buffalo, The Wife was not on that plane.


  1. Thanks for posting this note.

    Upon hearing the news this morning, I immediately thought of your family - the only people I "know" (well, through the blog) in that part of the world.

  2. I too instantly wondered about you and yours...good to hear that you're all safe. More proof that the Internet is made of people.

  3. I was wondering too, not just about your family but your friends and acquaintences as well.
    WV: aponadem- wearing denim.

  4. I freaked out a little last night. The timing was too close not to.

  5. What a horrific experience to have had your wife so close. Thanks be to God.

    Memory Eternal to those who lost their lives.

  6. That's too close for comfort, but perhaps it's like in The World According to Garp, when he buys their house right after a plane hits it because the chances of that happening again are next to nothing.

    Glad everyone's back in the nest, safe and sound.

  7. Good to hear. Like everyone else commenting, I immediately thought of you and your family when I heard the crash was in Buffalo... then I thought "naaaah, Buffalo's a pretty big place..." Then I thought, "well, let's just be sure..."

    Anyhow, I'm glad everyone in Casa Jaquandor are safe, and condolences to those who lost someone.

  8. What they said. Glad you're all okay.


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