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Monday, November 24, 2008

Unidentified Earth 49

OK, I forgot to do this yesterday. Sorry!

Anyway, there was a partially correct answer given last week, by Steph: it is a promontory on Lake Como in Italy, but we were looking for a bit more specific information than that. We were looking at the Villa del Balbianello, which was a shooting location in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and in Casino Royale. So, a hundred Quatloos to the winner.

And now for this week's puzzler, which is also a shooting location (for what, I wonder?):

Where are we? Rot-13 your guesses, folks!

1 comment:

  1. Tbg vg. S.N.N. Srqreny Perqvg Havba, 14600 Nivngvba Oyiq. Vs V jngpurq gur fubj zber bsgra guna jura gur 'eragf-va-ynj ner ivfvgvat, V znl unir tbggra vg rneyvre.


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