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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Something for Thursday

Last week's post here was a cover of a Beatles song, and here I have another one. It's the Beatles song I never thought I'd like -- I mean, for years, I've hated this song. But then I watched the movie Across the Universe (which, frankly, blew my mind in a lot of ways). This movie is a musical whose songs are all Beatles songs, almost all of them seamlessly worked into the story in logical ways, and this one comes toward the end, at one of those "movie romance" moments when all hope seems lost.

Here's "Hey Jude", from Across the Universe. (The dark-haired fellow is Jude; singing to him, from across the Atlantic, is his American friend Max.)

OK, John and Paul. You win. I give.


  1. As a big Beatles fan, I'm of mixed emotion. Of course I'm happy that you've been won over byy the compositions, but I'll contend that the performance of this, and your previous sufggestion are better by the original artists.
    That's, as someone used to say all the time, makes horse races.

  2. OMG, I love this -- love this guy's voice -- I've been listening to it several times a day since you posted it. Now I have to see this movie! That's one of the things I like best about your blog; it's always inspiring me to read/listen to/watch something outside my usual.

    I do like the original of this song, too, though.

  3. I got this DVD back in april and haven't watched it yet...Now I finally want to!

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