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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Something for Thursday

UPDATED below.

This is among a handful of songs that spring from my very earliest memories of childhood, when my parents would put their favorite records on the stereo. Frank Sinatra recorded many better songs than this one, but few of those mean as much to me.

I'm always impressed by how Sinatra always, and effortlessly, turned each song into its very own story. He doesn't just stand there singing or snapping his fingers or doing any of the other "standard singer" stuff; instead he shows what it would look like for the person expressing what the song is saying, what their facial expressions would be, and their gestures. For Sinatra, each song was its own little drama, and he acted it out beautifully.

UPDATE: Geez, I went live with this post and then within twelve hours the video was taken down because of a copyright issue. Because someone might not make a quarter or two because a single Sinatra performance was online. Anyway, you can (for now) hear the song here, but it's not a live performance so you don't get to see the stuff I was talking about above. Oh well.

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