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Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It's been a while since I bitched about For Better or For Worse, and since the strip is apparently "ending" sometime soon (next month, I believe), I won't have too many more opportunities.

So! One of the annoying tics of this strip (one of oh so many) is the way Lynn Johnston so often seems to find it funny to close out a strip with a really lame pun, like so:

And when these lame puns take place, everyone involved in that strip ends up standing there, grinning like idiots at the lame wordplay. It took me a while to figure out what this reminded me of, but it finally hit me a few hours ago: these are the comic strip version of the final scene of an episode of CHiPS! Skip to the three-minute mark and you'll see what I mean.

Of course, this kind of thing was done definitively on Police Squad!:

I should figure out a way to end my posts with lame freeze-frames!

1 comment:

  1. At least the comic strip didn't include the phrase "no pun intended". That phrase adds an exponential factor of lameness to any play on words, and can even ruin a truly clever pun.

    Actually, the phrase "no pun intended" might be kind of funny if there is no pun at all. Example: For Better or Worse is a crummy comic strip (no pun intended)...
    No, it's still annoying. This is a phrase that seems to be used by people who often say things like "moi?".

    No pun intended.

    Eric P.


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