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Friday, June 20, 2008

Take a what of the who, now?

Take a what of the who, now?, originally uploaded by Jaquandor.

There's a church that I drive by every day on the way to and from The Store, and like most churches, it's got a reader-board out front on which they usually post some kind of short blurb like this, again, as most churches do these days. But this one has completely flummoxed me. I have NO idea what it means. Zero. If someone could explain it to me, I'd be grateful, because right now it reads to me like some kind of Engrish thing.

(It says the same thing on each side, and it's said this all week, so it's not like some prankster came along and changed the sign so it makes no sense.)



    I think the sign implies that we should take a seperation from our busy lives to wonder.

    As in: Wake Up. Drive. Go TO Work. Drive. Make Dinner. (Wonder). Watch TV. Go to Bed.

    But what the heck do I know.

  2. The part that threw me is you saying that MOST churches have reader boards these days. REALLY??

    I've certainly seen a few here and there that do, but my experience here in the Pacific Northwest is that they are the exception rather than the rule.

  3. Maybe they made it confusing on purpose so that you would "wonder" about it for a long while!

    Most of the churches around us have reader boards too and I get a huge kick out of them. I had the idea several years ago (pre-blogging days) doing a book of all the different ones. Say, over the course of a couple of years and how they change, etc.

    But, then I opened up my own little, cyber reader board and forgot all about it.

  4. The modern age version of Burma Shave signs with a spiritual twist?


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