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Monday, June 30, 2008

Sentential Links #144

One Gross of these posts. Wow!

:: Ok, maybe I also thought how nice it must be, to be out on a date on a warm summer night, making out with your sweetheart while listening to Abba and that I was a little jealous too.

:: She seems so tiny and fragile. I’m just about as nervous and worried as a new parent.

:: And here I am, going to come in and review this thing like I’m covering new ground. It’s crazy, but that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

:: Oh, and it wouldn't be a Utah attraction if there wasn't some element of cheesiness to it: all the employees have been given "diner names." Oy. What is it with this state anyway? It's like people just can't help but find some way of being cutesy.

:: I love books that piss people off. I love books that certain types of people think that none of us should be allowed to read. I love them on principle. I love books that make people tremble about "the children" and what will happen if "the children (tm)" read it? You want to make me read a book? Have some self-righteous nitwad pontificate about why I "shouldn't" read it. Book sold.

:: No one in a pocket of hip, not even two 50 something businessmen in suits embracing their inner cool, would ever say cool beans.

:: And this is why people get upset with politics. Wes Clark makes a perfectly legitimate statement and can't find a single national Democrat to back him up because they're all a bunch of scared little kittens. (This is the first time the Obama campaign has really disappointed me.)

:: Of course, one has to have real Christian values, such as looking out for the greater good, rather than just for his or her cronies. One does not profess to be a Christian, or indeed, a member of any faith, to achieve this; conversely, public piety does not Christian values prove (see Bush, George W.)

All for this week.


  1. Thanks for the link, Jaquandor!

    And...I haven't forgotten you tagged me with the page 123 meme. Things have been hectic, but I'll get to it.

  2. Ew, gross! Oh, wait, you mean 12 X 12 - never mind.
    Thanks for the link.


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