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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Lovers in Bolton

UPDATED below.

I've just watched about twenty minutes of FOX's new reality show The Moment of Truth, and wow, what an appalling show. I can't believe this is on teevee. I'm astonished...and all I can think of is how eerily prescient, once again, Monty Python turns out to have been:

(The relevant sketch comes at about the 1:10 mark.)

UPDATE: OK, just to put Roger at ease in comments, I didn't sit down with the desire to watch this show. It happened to be on after American Idol, so when I sent The Daughter to the bathroom at 9:00 to do her "get ready for bed thing", I had ten minutes to watch whatever was on next, and Moment of Truth was it. Rest assured, I won't be watching this crap again!


  1. Hi, jaquandor,

    I have been trying to catch up with all the celebrants of Blogroll Amnesty Day, and here I am at last, adding you to my blogroll. May I have a reciproll, please? Thanks.

    I blog over at La Casa de Los Gatos and CultureVultures as ThePoliticalCat.

  2. I don't know if I should congratulate you or pity you. Do I think you're brave or think you're out of your mind? (A; YES.) This from someone who has watched a total of ZERO minutes watching Moment of Truth and plan to keep it that way.

    You should market this slogan: Jaquandor watches so YOU don't have to.


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