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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Unidentified Earth 21

Well, well, well! It seems that either I've come up with a stumper, or no one's following this series anymore...anyway, Unidentified Earth 20 has gone as yet unidentified, with only one guess offered. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I suppose I should offer a hint, is in the Middle East.

Ah well, the show goes on; time for the next puzzler.

Where are we? Rot-13 your guesses, please!


  1. Gur Nanfnmv pyvss qjryyvatf ng Zrfn Ireqv.

  2. Nhfgenyvn'f Terng Oneevre Errs?

  3. Fgbar Zbhagnva Trbetvn?, fnj n ernyyl pbby ynfre fubj ba gur 4gu bs Whyl gurer bapr gubhtu fbzrbar sbetbg gb gryy gurz gur Abegu jba.


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