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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Unidentified Earth (unnumbered edition)

I know that the newest installment of Unidentified Earth was supposed to run this past Thursday, but some logistical stuff prevented me from having the post ready. What logistical stuff, you say? Er...I forgot to do it. Sorry, folks.

So, Unidentified Earth will indeed return to its normal schedule this coming Thursday. For now, though, here are a couple of freebies that should be very easy:


Where are we?


  1. Abg fher bs gur ohvyqvat'f erny anzr, ohg vg fher ybbxf yvxr gur Anxngbzv Cynmn va Ybf Natryrf sebz Qvr Uneq.

  2. abg fher ba gur gbc bar, ohg gur obggbz vf gur Jrfg Jvat bs gur Juvgr Ubhfr

  3. Tnir hc naq ernq Funja'f nafjre. Lhc, ur'f evtug. Vg'f pnyyrq gur Sbk Cynmn.


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