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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday Burst of Weirdness

Hey all, sorry for the recent lack of posting. Nothing disastrous going on, I've just been busy and not feeling too much like blogging.

Anyway, some weirdness and funny stuff:

:: Our local PBS station often airs movies on the weekend evenings. Since most movies won't fill a two-hour timeslot exactly, the station is usually left with some remaining airtime to fill before the next hour or half-hour, and they generally fill this time with short films or other kinds of short programming. Such is how I first encountered, some time ago, a British parody of cooking shows called Posh Nosh. Only nine episodes were made, and each one is about nine minutes long. Here's the list, with links to the episodes I've managed to find online:

Fish and Chips
Birthday Parties
Beautiful Food
Bread and Butter Pudding
Comfort Food
Grilled Sole

Enjoy! I love this little show, with its subtle wordplay and nifty comedic chemistry between the two leads.

:: Some guy followed every rule in the Bible for a year. I don't really see the point, but there it is. (And by the way: it's Gandhi, not Ghandi. It's disheartening to see that mistake in a professional news magazine.)

:: Aieee!

An error in paperwork sent a man in Venezuela, who was knocked unconscious in a road accident, for an autopsy.

The confusion occurred after ambulance workers reached the scene of the accident, between a lorry and a car.

Officials completed a form requesting an autopsy rather than one requesting treatment for injuries, and the man was sent to the morgue.

Venezuela's highways police confirmed that the two hospital forms look almost identical and can be easily confused.


:: Given previous rants about cell-phone users that I've posted on this blog, I suppose it will therefore seem like quite the Burst of Weirdness that...I now have a cell phone. It doesn't play MP3s or videos, it doesn't make a mean cup of coffee, and it doesn't wash my car, pick a lovely bouquet of wildflowers and baby's breath, keep my plants watered, or cook a nice dish of Clams Casino. It does, though, make calls and take pictures of stuff.

Here's something I wonder about cell phones: had Star Trek not depicted its communicators as such, would "flip" phones ever have been invented?


  1. First thing I thought of when I read that you now have a cell phone.http://www.buffalogeek

  2. The flip phone would have been modeled after the laptop computer were it not for Star Trek.



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