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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday Burst of Weirdness

Some video goodness for this Sunday!

:: Star Wars? Singin' in the Rain? Two of my absolute favorite movies. What a mash-up!

Thanks, Shamus!

:: I recently remembered that goofy song "In the Summertime" by Mungo Jerry, and I wondered if it had any kind of proto-video from back in the day. Sure enough, it does:

What a gloriously un-PC song this is, from its advice that you should "have a drink, have a drive" to its notion that if your date is rich you should "take her out for a meal", while if she's poor, you should "do what you feel".

:: This isn't actually "weird", but another fun exercise is the "then and now" thing with various singers or pop bands. Here's the Starland Vocal Band with "Afternoon Delight", back in the day:

And here they are again, more recently:

I always find something a bit endearing about one-hit wonder groups who reunite years later to perform that one hit again.

(I also seem to remember that I loved that song when it was the hit of the day, back when I was all of five or six years old. I wonder how much amusement my parents derived from this, since I never realized what the friggin' song was about until I got a copy of it on a 70s hits compilation CD sometime in the mid-90s. I played it the first time, actually listened to the lyrics for the first time in my life, and suddenly realized, "Hey, this song is about teh sex!")

:: In a non-video vein, Belladonna points out that if you have old 3.5 inch floppy discs sitting about, you can make stuff out of them, like your own starship Enterprise. Now that's useful! In a similar vein, some folks actually collect AOL cds.

:: Germany wants your dead.

:: I have seen my own future...specifically, my future clothesline....

:: It bums me out that currently, I can't find a video online of Marv Levy singing the fight song he wrote for the Bills in the mid-90s. "Go Bills, for we are here to cheer for you!"


  1. I always thought that VH-1 should be running that pre-MTV stuff like that Mungo Jerry video or the Beatles Strawberry Fields/Penny Lane videos.

  2. The wonderful little film Love! Valour! Cpmpassion - about a group of friends, all gay men, who spend the three holiday weekends together one summer - opens with "In the Summertime." It's a great little cheerfully ironic bit of song placement


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