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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Christmas in Blogistan? (part quatre)

I haven't mentioned this in a few days, but hey, Buffalo bloggers (all those who haven't already weighed in), pencil in December 8 for a Buffalo Blogger Christmas Con, or Buffalo Blogging Festivus, or whatever we want to call this gathering. My suggestion for a venue is this place. Yes, it's in the Southtowns (Aieee!), and you can't see the HSBC Building from their parking lot (thus guaranteeing that Mary Kunz Goldman* won't be in attendance), but it's quite easy to get to (I-90 to 219 South, 219 South to Milestrip East, Milestrip East to Southwestern Blvd/US20 East, two miles or so to BSG). I have no idea if we'd need to "book" the place in advance, but it looks like a pretty big place anyway, and as I mentioned in a previous posting, the Sabres have a late game that night (they'll be on a west coast trip, puck dropping at 10:00 or thereabouts our time).

Spread the word. Otherwise, it's just Jen and I looking awkwardly across the table at one another, and me saying stuff like, "So. Mark. How's that workin' out for ya?"

Previous posts on this subject here and here. Alan mentioned it, to the sound of chirping crickets; Paul mentioned it and got a couple of responses. Let's get the word out, people! That bar's 15 teevee's aren't gonna watch themselves!

* I kid! She's been producing some nice writing on classical music lately, such as this interview with Van Cliburn. Actually, she's always produced nice writing on classical music.


  1. As far as I can tell right now, Dec. 8 is fine...I hope to be able to make it, and I don't really care much where it is. ;)

  2. Not a single vegetarian thing on the menu. I'll have my wife eat a peanut butter & jelly sandwich before we leave the house. She is also good for ordering a BLT with no B.But barring the apocalypse, or really crappy weather, we'll be there. Just let me know what time.

  3. Well, today as I started to feel the beginnings of my family as I know it falling into sickness and a hell of a next few (months?) (years?) I also found out that said family has decided against any type of a Christmas get together, oh, one might think ON Christmas? Or the day after or the weekend before or the weekend after? Nyah....when are we all gathering around Gma in the nursing home? DECEMBER 8th.

    So, my one family holiday get together, during the one year we will likely need it the most, is happening on a day I already had plans, but that's life...


    (Tired. Sad. Upset. LONG DAY and bitchy...I might as thee to delete this comment later, but I can't rant about this on my blog, right



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