:: Via Warren Ellis I found Universe, which is one of the stranger news-portal type tools I've seen on the Web. It really looks cool, but I'm not sure how useful it is.
:: Photoshop contests tend to be a dime a dozen, but this one is just great. It's nothing more than posters for classic movies done in a "grindhouse cinema" style. The Casablanca one is just terrific.
:: Sure it's cute.

Just before it fastens itself upon your face and starts sucking your brains out through your nose. (No, I guess it probably doesn't do that. But it should, because we all know that cute and cuddly sea beasties are just waiting to consume you in painfully awful ways. And no, it doesn't look like Pikachu to me. I'm thinking it's one of the ghosts from Pac-man.)
Makes you feel a little sorry for special effects guys...It must be difficult to come up with "aliens" that look stranger than reality.