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Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Yes, I'm going to complain about American Idol. Scroll past this if you'd prefer to believe that a smart and level-headed fellow like myself shouldn't be watching such pop tripe.

Melinda Doolittle blows Blake off the stage every time she opens her mouth to sing. Blake is a one-trick pony, and it's not even that great a trick to begin with. Ugh.

OK, I'm done.


  1. Seriously....Blake?!! Ugh. I'm also of the I-don't-watch-shit-like-this camp, but Melinda is incredible.

  2. Oh, I cannot tell a lie: I've been a faithful AI watcher since season two.

  3. Ok, I've already talked myself down off this ledge. ;) Melinda is amazing, and it's probably better for her to NOT win. She's gonna have a career anyway.

    And people seem to luuuuuuurve Blake. *shrug*

  4. I haven't watched it at all this season, though I do see the TV Guide articles and whatnot. I know this will probably be seen as paranoid by some, but I had serious doubts that two black women were going to be in the final 2.

  5. I don't understand--it's American Idol. How could Melinda Doolittle possibly make it? She CAN sing and she looks like somebody's mother.

    Brittney Spears, N'Sync, Paris Hilton, New Kids on the Block--these have all been "American Idols" at some point. Isn't it painfully obvious that singing does not an idol make?

  6. I don't watch American Idol but when they have someone from Oklahoma on it it's always the top story on the local news so I've seen clips of Melinda. She's pretty good. I think Erin is right; she'll have a career anyway.


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