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Monday, March 05, 2007

Yeah, I'll have a Screaming Viking!

Back when I was soliciting space opera reading suggestions*, a reader e-mailed me (or maybe he commented, I can't recall) about a book called Space Viking by H. Beam Piper. I saw a few copies on eBay, but never acquired one.

Now, I see that I won't have to. Viva Project Gutenberg!

OK, all you geniuses, what's a good gizmo on which to read e-books?


* Not that I've stopped soliciting space opera reading suggestions, folks. Feel free to keep those coming!


  1. I'm about 3/4 of the way through A Deepness In the Sky by Vernor Vinge. Great book and I think it qualifies as space opera. I think it would also satisfy "hard" SF fans - no warp speed, no artificial gravity, no matter transporters.

  2. Woohoo, Space Viking! I'm gonna have to dig that one up again.


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