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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

BloggerCon Episode IV: Bloggers in the Park

(This post will remain at the top of this blog for the remainder of the week.)

All Buffalo Bloggers take notice: this Saturday is the appointed date for the fourth installment of BloggerCon, which will take place at Chestnut Ridge Park south of Orchard Park. Jen and Scotty have details. We're doing a potluck picnic of sorts, so everybody make sure that unless you're just doing a "driveby" of the event, please bring food! You don't have to break the bank here; one box of burgers or one pack of hot dogs or something similar should be fine. I assume we'll also need things like buns and condiments, so consider those as well.

I'm committing to bringing:

100 or so paper plates
100 or so plastic drinking cups
Dining Utensils of the Plastic Variety

Also: Polish Sausage (I'm not sure how much I have in the freezer; I think it's around 2 lbs. I'm bringing it all.)
Two packs hot dog buns
A big tub of potato salad
A couple bags of chips
A cooler filled with two twelve-packs of pop and ice.

I've only been to a single one of these BloggerCon's, but that one was a wonderful time. And that one wasn't even outside with food!

It should also be made clear that you don't have to really have your own blog to attend. If you read us and comment, or if you just read us and wonder what kind of people are drawn to this medium, feel free to show up. (And if you're a columnist with the local daily paper who wants to meet the folks who regularly savage your columns, well, feel free as well!)

(And I feel that a warning of sorts may be in order: before the last BloggerCon, Jen 14221 said in a comments thread somewhere that she'd cry if I showed up not wearing my trademark overalls. Well, the weather this weekend is supposed to be friggin' hot, which for me is not overalls weather. So if you're expecting to see me decked out in workwear, you're in for a disappointment: it'll be shorts and a t-shirt for me!)


  1. But but but... how will they recognize you???

    Ah! Here you go! (OK, maybe without the kitten -- are lion's tougher? ... but you get the idea! LOL)

    Have fun at your party!


  2. Cutoff overalls?

    Red has said he'll bring charcoal, I'm bringing 2 grills, utensils and a pork loin (around 9 pounds or so), perhaps a bottle or two of wine, frisbee, and any other stuff that strikes me as usefull between now and then.

    Looking forward to seeing everybody!

  3. Hey Kelly! Any chance of you making your way up to Toronto in November for Debcon III? I think we can be pretty sure that you-know-who won't be there.

  4. Paul: I don't know. I'd have to be dead certain that he isn't there, however. I do NOT like that guy, and I want nothing to do with him.


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