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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Small place, this Blogistan....

So I hopped over to Lynn's place, and read this post, in which she writes about a new Burger King ad or some such thing. Haven't seen the ad yet, but knowing my own sense of humor, I'd probably find it funny too. But she links a Pandagon post in disagreement. Pandagon's been on my blogroll forever, but I missed this particular post, so I checked it out -- and found LCScotty, a Buffalo blogger and regular reader here whom I've actually met in person, in the comments!

I don't have any real point here. I just think it's cool to follow links around and randomly encounter people I already know.


  1. You can see the Burger King commercial at YouTube

  2. FWIW, I found your blog today, and found myself hanging out here WAY longer than I should have.

    Great stuff here.

  3. Welcome aboard, and stick around!

  4. Hi Pat!!

    Yeah, it really is amazing how interconnected everything is, sometiees.


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