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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sentential Links #17

It's that time again. Here is the customary roundup of usual sentences.

:: Oh they broke into our house
And they beat my dad with logs,
They raped my little sister,
And killed my dear old dog.


Limey scum, Limey scum!
I kills them all and still they come...
(I've been Googling that set of lyrics forever, to no avail. Blogistan rules!)

:: She got her chair obsession psychoanalyzed and says it has something to do with communities - with homes, with talking - with how the Tunisian Jews would always sit around and talk to each other.

:: I've even had a cartoon face become my mental image of a blogger. Am I the only one with this problem? (Man, I hope she's not talking about me....)

:: Five pet peeves about eating out with Ayn Rand (OK, that's the title to a list. Funny blog-like site with nothing but humorous five-item lists. Via Lynn, of course.)

:: This sort of intolerant, brainwash garbage makes Neha angry enough to talk about herself in third person. (Ahhh, Neha's just discovered the gooey insanity of Chick Tracts! And here's me, without my popcorn....)

:: I have discovered that catfish doesn't do so well in the nuker. (Whew. Here's an all-important culinary tip, folks: if you want to re-heat food such that it actually has texture when you eat it, use your conventional oven and not your nuker. Yes, it will take ten or fifteen minutes versus two for the nuker, but the short investment is time is well worth it when you eat hot food that isn't rubbery.)

:: I'm not sure why I thought of that, but now you have a story about me in 1989. (OK, here's a story about me in 1989: after my high school graduation ceremony, I left immediately out the back door, drove home, and went out for a bike ride. Without telling my parents. Who were waiting on the school's front lawn for the post-grad school front-lawn crap. Oops.)

:: If Wyle E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner? (Hmmmm. Personally, I've always wondered why Wile E. stuck with a company whose level of customer satisfaction would make Wal-Mart look like Pa's Corner Grocery down on the corner, but this is a good question, too.)

:: Why is it that police don't seem to follow the rules of the road... well at least speed limits. (Years ago I watched one of those Current Affair programs or some such thing that did a feature on just this topic. They followed speeding cops to locations like their dentists, their laundromats, and the like. When they confronted one cop with a video, the cop tried to claim that a license is required to have a radar gun for checking drivers' speeds. Nice try, Officer Krupke.)

:: A German inventor says he's found a way to make cheap diesel fuel out of dead cats. (Gee, why not really get some bang for our buck, and use dead humans?)

:: It appears that Angela Merkel has been elected Chancellor of Germany. Which means, among other things, that once again Germany will be run by an enthusiastic and knowledgeable Wagner-lover. (Alex then provides an extract from a lengthy interview on Wagner -- and nothing but Wagner -- that Merkel recently gave. I wonder when the last time was that we elected a President here in the US who even came close to knowing this much about classical music? Not, of course, that I would advance this as a reason for electing Condi Rice in 2008.)

:: I can't really add anything to it, except to say that all of those issues get amplified with decreasing size of the institution, and liberal arts colleges do tend to be smaller and more personal. (Isn't that the truth. I went to college at a small school in a small town in Iowa, and I was constantly seeing my profs at the grocery store, at the local watering holes, even in the malls in the bigger town twenty miles south.)

:: The first time I took my son to the office to introduce him to everybody, a few weeks after he was born, H said, "Isn't it just amazing when they're this age? It's like they got one toe here on earth and the other 9 still up in heaven. Say hello to God for me, OK?" (Wow, is that a beautiful thought.)

It was a good week for Blogistan. Let's keep it up, folks! It's a jungle out there.

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