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Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sentential Links #16

Here's the round-up from this week. Not as many as usual, between the monitor problems (now resolved) and the head cold that took my sinuses and mucous membranes out for a spin the last three days.

:: Some would like to see the 'Silver Surfer' but it's tough to visualize that without having a cackle about the rationality of taking a guy on a flying surfboard seriously. (Say, how about a "Galactus" movie? Maybe they could get John Byrne to actually finish "The Last Galactus Story".)

:: For instance, I had nightmares for two nights after seeing 'Scream'. That kind of admission alone might cause some of you to spew green pea soup in digust. (Not soup in disgust, but I did spew Pepsi in laughter. Scream has got to be the least scary horror movie I've ever seen. After an effective opening ten minutes, it's just stupid "teen slasher" shit that was staggeringly unrealistic. Silence of the Lambs was scary. Scream was crap that couldn't decide whether it was an actual horror movie or a parody of a horror movie. And yeah, that's two appearances for the Indestructible Mister Jones on Sentential Links. But since he tends to write five or six posts at a time and then allows his blog to go fallow for weeks or months at a time, so be it.)

:: I'm one of those guys who say, "isn't it about time they stopped playing America The Beautiful at baseball games now?" But, when I glanced at my watch this morning, and realized what the date was, I had a sudden pause. (Actually, it's "God Bless America", not "America the Beautiful", which if I had my way would be our national anthem. Still, yeah, I think it's time to stop singing that thing.)

:: Communism wasn’t fun or funny, folks. It was a dirty, rotten system run by dirty, rotten people that didn’t do shit for the masses. I’m unamused by commu-nostalgia or any other trendy, nouveau communophilia.

:: How wonderful it feels to be in Vienna once again! This imperial city won my heart long ago and I love her with all of my being. (I can't find any kind of permalinks here, so scroll all the way down to the post dated August 30th. Then scroll upward, reading the account of traveling in the land of Mozart. Wonderful stuff. I'd very dearly love to go to Vienna, and listen to the Vienna Philharmonic perform Brahms in the Musikverein....)

:: I shouldn't hate her because she is in a bad situation that is not of her making. I should feel sympathy. Yet, I can't stand her. (What follows is a list of funny things this blogger hates about her officemate. I found this blog purely by accident, in searching for something else. It appears to be about one single woman's life in Washington, DC. I like finding blogs like this; they're a nice detour from my usual political and cultural blog reading.)

:: My prediction is that when George W. Bush leaves office, like Reagan, he will generally be beloved by the American public. (Hey, it's OK. I predicted that the Bills would win the Super Bowl each time they got there, that LA Confidential would beat out Titanic for Best Picture, and that Al Gore would win in 2000. One outta three wasn't bad!)

:: Something about William Hurt makes me want to walk towards the nearest living thing and kill it. (Actually, this isn't PSotD writing, but someone else replying to a question PSotD posed. I think. Anyway, this made me laugh out loud.)

More next week. In theory.

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