The other day I linked a thread on the FSM boards in which a raging fan of the original Battlestar Galactica show is frothing at the mouth about the current re-working of the concept on the SciFi Network (and that thread is still active, by the way, despite a call for peace by none other than Stu Philips, the composer who wrote the music for the original show back in 1978). In mentioning that thread, I noted that the BSG fan in question actually is not the most lunatic regular poster on the FSM boards; that honor, longtime readers will know, goes to a guy named Dan who is a raging Objectivist and whose fealty to the music of Jerry Goldsmith knows absolutely no bounds (we're talking about a guy who seriously believes that Goldsmith's score to US Marshalls -- no, I never saw that movie either -- is superior to John Williams's score to Star Wars).
Anyway, if you want to see what Our Objectivist Hero is like in action, here's a thread from the FSM "Off-topic" board, on the general subject of Hurricane Katrina. It's a pretty political thread, by necessity, but you get a good sense of the guy's inate creepiness. (Or, if you want to read him droning on about film music, here's a representative thread.)
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