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Sunday, September 11, 2005

Comments Policy

I don't think I've ever actually laid forth a policy regarding the comments threads on this blog, but since someone left a bit of spam-like substance in one of my comments threads this morning, it's probably a good time to establish a few pointers.

1. Comments threads are intended to allow readers to offer comment on whatever I write in the post to which the thread is attached. If you have something to say that's not relevant to the particular post in question -- for instance, you have something you think I might be interested in reading or you just want to give a "Hey how you doin'" shout-out -- then use either of my main e-mail addresses, which are listed prominently near the top of the sidebar.

2. Any comments violating Rule #1 will be deleted, and further violations along the same line will result in the ritual banning of IP addresses.

3. My comments threads have never, to my recollection, become cantankerous or angry, so I'm not too worried about this happening in the future. But should it become a concern, let it be noted that I'm not running a message board for flame-fests. I have readers who are quite conservative, and I have readers who are literally Marxists. I'd like to keep that mix of readership, so I do NOT allow personal attacks between readers in the comments. (As I noted, this has never been a problem here before.) I don't have the ability to lock out comments threads on specific posts, so a degree of self-policing by readers is appreciated.

(3a. Exceptions to this rule are that you can make fun of people who don't like the Star Wars prequels or fans of the New England Stupid Patriots. Oh, and the Dutch.)

(3b. I'm kidding about the Dutch. They're a fine people, wooden shoes and all.)

4. Personal attacks upon me are fine, so long as a name and legitimate e-mail are also left. If you're going to attack the blogger, have the fortitude to sign it.

5. To the best of my knowledge, the YACCS comments system is not subject to search engine spiders, which means that there is nothing to be gained in comments-spammers using it. Still, I will delete any mentions of great poker sites, cia11is, v!agra, or any other such thing.

6. More of a pointer: eventually, the word "comment" is replaced on older posts to "archived". This is a YACCS thing; I don't know how it works. I think that you can still comment on those posts by clicking that "archived" link, but I may not see it since I don't log into my YACCS control panel every day. Also, all comments threads disappear eventually, automatically cleared by YACCS.

That's about it.

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