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Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Voices of Byzantium

This is the blogroll for Byzantium's Shores. Feel free to peruse any or all of the blogs on this list, for they are all worthwhile.

Those Who Have Shared My Campfire

A Blog of His Own
In a Shameless World
Mark, Fourth Earl of Cuthbert
A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

Voyagers from Neighboring Lands

Against the Grain
Ramblin' with Roger

The Voices in the Tavern

Adventures in Juggling
All Things Jennifer
Animal Spirits
Aurora Walking Vacation

Back of the Cereal Box
Because the Alternative is Unthinkable
Bigger than a Breadbox
Blog from OUR kitchen

Blue Girl in a Red State
Buffalo Pundit
Buffalo Roots
Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness

Clarence Grad 1972
Cold Antler Farm
Confessions of a Half-Breed Prince
The Dragon's Tales

Electronic Cerebrectomy
Erin Go Blog
The Far Green Country
Fillyjonk's Progress

A Fool in the Forest
Grateful Dating
The Gray Monk
Guiness and Cream Cakes

Hunter at Random
I am a Butterfly
Imaginary Bicycle
In Java, Literally
Incurable Insomniac

Jen's 14,221 Thoughts
Judith Heartsong
Ken Jennings
Lance Mannion
Life in Shades of F-Major

Life, Yarn, and Baby Poop
Maniacal Hooting
Mental Multivitamin
Michele is a Buffalo Broad

Mind Muffins
The Modulator
Nancy Nall

Outside Counsel
Pratie Place
Quiet Bubble

Randy McDonald
Royal Word
Search the Sea
Separation Anxiety

The Sheila Variations
Shephard's Alley
Short Fat Guy
Some Kind of Scrapheap
Stilettos and Sneakers

Tosy and Cosh
Twenty Sided
Unwelcome Return to the Single Life

Violins and Starships
Where Life Takes You....
Yarns and Yarns
...You are a Tree

The Voices of Faction

Balloon Juice
Brad DeLong
Ezra Klein

Glenn Greenwald
If I Ran the Zoo
Kevin Drum

Lawyers, Guns, and Money
No More Mister Nice Blog
Political Animal
The Poor Man Institute

The Republic of T.
Roger Ailes (not that one)
Sadly, No!
Shadow of the Hegemon

Think Progress
James Wolcott
Matthew Yglesias

The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Silver Quill

Adventures in Fiction
Antick Musings of GBH Hornswoggler, Gent.
By Ken Levine
A Distant Soil

Filling the Well
Neil Gaiman
Gossamer Obsessions
I Am a Cheeseburger

Kung Fu Monkey
Making Light
Me, My Muse, and I
Michael May's Adventureblog
Miserable Annals of the Earth
Musings of an Insomniac Writer

No Fear of the Future
Notes from Coode Street
Paperback Writer

Shipwrecked Poetry
Simple Tricks and Nonsense
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Charles Stross
Warren Ellis

Wil Wheaton
The World in the Satin Bag

Harpers, Pipers, and Voices Raised in Song

The Fredosphere
Iron Tongue of Midnight
Jessica Duchen

Musical Perceptions
Notes from the Kelp
Of Music and Men
On an Overgrown Path

Alex Ross
Greg Sandow

In the Temple of the Muses

Art, Movies, Wood and Whatnot
About Last Night
Adventures in Reading
Asking the Wrong Questions

Book Moot
Chris's Invincible Super-Blog
City Comforts

Comics Curmudgeon
Elegant Variation
Eve's Alexandria
Fantasy Book Critic
Fantasy Hotlist

The Frodo Franchise
The Galaxy Express
Geek Orthodox
Hobo Trashcan
The House Next Door
Howling Curmudgeons
I'll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book

Living Between Wednesdays
More Words, Deeper Hole
The Music of the Lord of the Rings Films

No Smoking in the Skull Cave
Roger Ebert
SciFi Scanner

Self-Styled Siren
SF Signal
Siskoid's Blog of Geekery
Slay, Monstrobot of the Deep!!
Something Old, Nothing New

The Thrilling Wonder Story
Tor Books
The View from the Foothills
Walker of Worlds
Wolf Gnards
Written World

The Children of Copernicus

Amused Muse
Bad Astronomy
Blog Around the Clock
Cosmic Variance

Look Out, It's Evil!
Open the Future
Sentient Developments

The Temple Mosaicists

Francis Tsai
The Main Art Blog @ 1968

Artisans and Guildsfolk

Cool Tools
The Hardware Aisle
Stu's Shed

Tool Snob

The Chroniclers

the art of memory
Bits and Pieces
My First Dictionary
passive-agressive notes
Strange Maps

The Wearers of the Sacred Garment

Blahwg! Life on the Farm
Bless Our Hearts
The Creager Studios
Creating Art in the Burbs
Farmgirl Fare

Gratitude Journal
Not Quite June Cleaver
Tallahassee Food Gardens
...this time tomorrow...

(Last updated 9 April 2010: Many deletions.)

My blogroll policy: This blogroll is more intended as a resource for myself, since I still prefer to do my blog reading the "old-fashioned" way -- i.e., by visiting blogs directly. I do use BlogLines as a feed aggregator, but I don't subscribe to very many feeds as I mainly use that site to follow blogs quickly when I'm on break at work.

I tend to be fairly reciprocal in linking blogs from here, since most times a blog that links me turns out to be one I'd like to read anyway. I don't keep this list on the main page mainly for space reasons; it's become so long over the years that it would simply make the sidebar on the main page way longer than it needs to be. Plus, editing the blogroll is much easier within the body of a post than on the blog's master template.

I'm not super-rigorous about culling my blogroll for blogs that have gone inactive, but I do go through it maybe once a month or once every two months. With few exceptions -- i.e., I know the blogger personally -- if a blog has been inactive for more than two months as of the date I'm checking it out, I remove it from the blogroll. However, I do maintain a folder in my bookmarks for inactive blogs, so if I remove your blog from this list due to inactivity and you subsequently resume posting, feel free to e-mail me that you're active again. I do go through my "Inactive Blogs" bookmarks occasionally, but it could take a while. However, if blogs remain inactive for a year or more, I tend to delete the bookmarks from the folder, so if it's been that long before you resume blogging, you'll need to e-mail me to let me know you're back.

Finally, I should probably explain my blogroll categories and what they mean:

1. Those Who Have Shared My Campfire: These are blogs by people whom I knew in person before they launched their blogs, or before I learned they had blogs. (This does not imply that people whom I met through blogging can't become personal friends as well. This category refers simply to the order of how things went.)

2. Ships Flying the Flag of Buffalo: As of 10 June 2008, I've removed this category. For good or ill, I don't read too many Buffalo-based blogs anymore; the sense of community in the "Buffalo blogosphere" is long gone and it's not coming back, so this category no longer seems useful to me.

3. Voyagers from Neighboring Lands: Upstate New Yorkers but not from Western New York.

4. The Voices in the Tavern: "Personal" blogs. These blogs can be about anything and everything.

5. The Voices of Faction: Political blogs. Almost exclusively liberal.

6. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Silver Quill: Blogs by writers, either professional or aspiring.

7. Harpers, Pipers, and Voices Raised in Song: Music blogs. Mostly classical at this point.

8. In the Temple of the Muses: Blogs which are focused on general commentary on the arts or popular culture, with all the requisite overlap therein.

9. The Children of Copernicus: My final category gathers blogs whose content is primarily based on science.

10. The Temple Mosaicists: The newest category, as of May 2007. Here I'll put blogs by visual artists.

11. Artisans and Guildsfolk: Blogs about stuff you learned about in shop class.

12. The Chroniclers: These are blogs that specialize in the gathering of examples of a specific type of thing.

13. The Wearers of the Sacred Garment: These are bloggers who proudly wear their overalls. We few, we happy few!