I skimmed over
this Buffalo News article about Erie County Executive Joel Giambra while on break at work this morning, and I pretty much blew it off as the usual BS-fest that issues from Mr. Giambra: despite negative ratings that make Jimmy Carter at the height of the Hostage Crisis look like Ronald Reagan in 1984, this guy is doing the out-thrust jaw, stiff-upper-lip, damn-the-torpedoes-and-full-speed-ahead thing. There are times when someone's delusionary antics can be an entertaining spectacle, but this isn't one of those times. The Buffalo Niagara region is like a hot-air balloon that's been unfolded and is being filled with warm air, but there's this idiot who can't -- or won't -- untie the mooring ropes. That's Joel Giambra.
Alan, however, posts on the same article and points out a pretty breathtaking quote that I missed when I read it this morning:
"If Jesus Christ came off the cross today," he said, "I'm not sure he could get the County Legislature to go along with him."
When arrogant delusion gives way to Messianic delusion is usually when things start getting really frightening. Stay tuned.
(Oh, and Alan also links a really fine op-ed column that appeared today as well. I read it myself and wanted to cheer. Buffalo rules, and let's damned well not forget it!)
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