Kevin Drum is wondering if it's normal for insurance on newly-licensed male teenage drivers to be significantly higher than that for newly-licensed female drivers. My experience is that this is perfectly normal: there's a general belief that young men are more likely to go out and do something stupid in a car than young women. Now, I have no idea if that is actually the case, but I suspect that it is, since insurance companies are in it for the money and it would therefore behoove them to study this stuff and find out where the money really is.
Of course, having said that, I note that the last few instances I can recall of encountering truly bad young drivers involved teenybopping females behind the wheel. I witnessed one such young lady pass a car in front of us on the right (on a two-lane road) the other day, and not because the car was turning left, but because he apparently was not going fast enough. And what really caught my eye about this girl is that she was turning left herself just a quarter-mile up the road, and oncoming traffic was such that she had to sit at the intersection and wait while the car she'd passed, and then yours truly, came up and went around her on the right.
And I always laugh when some young buckaroo comes flying up behind me, whips around me, and then takes off -- only to end up stopped at the very next red light at the same time that I arrive.
No real point here, I guess, except to say that I think that as a rule young drivers stink.
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