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Saturday, October 30, 2004

Lovable Losers, no more

Bill Altreuter has a contrarian take on the Red Sox, starting with this:

I suppose one upside of the NHL strike is that it is one less sport for New England fans to be insufferable about.

And finishing with this:

Enjoy it, Boston fans. You're the Florida Marlins now.

I agree that the Red Sox were never "lovable losers". That label better fits the Chicago Cubs, who tend to, well, lose a lot. The Red Sox are noted more for almost getting there, but not quite; that's more a kind of fatalistic futility than lovable loserdom. The Cubs are lovable losers because they invariably sell out Wrigley and all those rooftops around the place on all those gorgeous Chicago afternoons because so many people inexplicably pull for a team that posts 90-loss seasons more often than not.

Of course, I'm a Pirates fan, which -- for all intents and purposes -- has become the de facto level between Triple-A ball and the Majors. I guess that makes the Pirates a Quadruple-A team, eh?

(And now that Tim Wakefield has a World Series title after ten years of being a workhorse for the Red Sox, now maybe all those Tim Wakefield rookie cards I bought in winter of 1992 will be worth something!)

In the "Chip on Buffalo's Shoulder" Department, I also saw something in The Buffalo News recently -- I don't recall if it was a letter to the editor on the sports page, part of a column, or what -- that I liked. The writer took exception to Boston's feelings of being "cursed", simply because of the Red Sox. Loosely paraphrasing, the person wrote: "There's no way the city that has two of the last three Vince Lombardi trophies, something like a dozen NBA titles, and a World Series title can possibly claim more sports suffering than Buffalo." Yeah! It's our misery, Boston, and you can't have it!

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