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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

The Movie Meme, two

Here's another Movie Meme, stolen this time from Dave Thomas of Britain (not to be confused with Dave Thomas of Wendy's, who is dead and would thus be a remarkable site if he were maintain a LiveJournal).

First movie you can remember seeing?

Snow White, at a very young age. It was incredibly vivid: when I saw the film again on a re-release in 1996 or so, for the first time since that first viewing, I remembered some of the visuals.

Last movie you saw that you loved?

Well, I watched Love Actually last week, and I really enjoyed the hell out of it. Before that, probably Return of the King.

First movie you saw on a date?

Three Fugitives, an incredibly forgettable comedy starring Martin Short and Nick Nolte.

Later, in college, I managed to watch The Little Mermaid with not one but two women who dumped me within days of the respective viewings (no, they weren't the same viewing!), and my first date with the woman who is now my wife was to see Edward Scissorhands.

First movie you can remember that you disagreed strongly with the critics/reviews about?

Hmmmm. Tough one, here. I've never understood why Bladerunner is held in such high esteem, I guess. Cool visuals, yeah; boring story.

What movie have you dreamed about?

I have no idea.

A secret thing you did in a darkened theater:

I go to the movies to see movies. I've never made out in a movie theater, "did the dirty", or any other such thing. And I get angry with people who are not of like mind. A theater is not a surrogate living room with a bitchin' bigscreen TV and kickass stereo, it's a theater.

Ever lied about something so you could see a movie?

Not that I recall. But I have proudly requested time off from work for movies -- the premieres of the two extant Star Wars prequels, frex.

The worst movie you ever saw and the best thing about it:

Live and Let Die, I suppose. By far the worst Bond movie ever made, but it has Jane Seymour.

One person you’ve never seen a movie with but would like to sometime:

Shockingly, I don't recall ever seeing a movie with Nefarious Neddie, despite the fact that our tastes intersect with amazing frequency and that we were in grade school together for seven years.

What kind of movie you’d like to see with that person:

Star Wars Episode III.

A movie you’re embarrassed to admit you enjoyed:

I have to admit: I enjoyed How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days. The glow of Kate Hudson covered up a lot of bad stuff in that movie. (And there's a brief scene in which she takes a big bite out of a cheeseburger

Your favorite movie and the worst thing about it:

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, which really doesn't have very good dialogue.

To understand something about you, people need to see this movie:

Any Star Wars movie, any Lord of the Rings movies, Casablanca, Singin' In the Rain, and My Fair Lady. Watch these and you'll have a pretty good handle on me.

List by title: Saddest/ funniest/ scariest/ overrated/ underrated:

Saddest: Shadowlands
Funniest: A Fish Called Wanda
Scariest: The Exorcist
Overrated: The Usual Suspects
Underrated: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

A movie you haven’t seen yet but you really want to?

Kill Bill both "volumes".

A movie character you could really relate to, or even wish you could be like?

Richard Blaine, even though my eyes aren't really brown.

Movie that the person you got this from reminds you of:

Howard the Duck. (Dave used to defend this movie to the hilt on Usenet. I just ended up shaking my head a lot.)

When I say the word, you say the first movie that comes to mind:

Grease. Because, you know, Grease is the word.

If you were a movie what genre would you be filed under at the video store?

"Special Interest".

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