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Monday, May 10, 2004

High Ickiness At Work

In the various places I've worked in my life, I've discovered an article-of-faith that the men's bathroom is always dirtier than the women's. This widespread belief runs counter to my own experience, unfortunately -- just in the time I've worked for The Store, every one of the nasty messes I've had to clean in the bathrooms occurred in the women's room. I'm not at all sure why this should be the case, since it seems to me that the Law of Averages would work it out fairly evenly.

Anyhoo, the worst was today. I simply do not want to have to handle someone's used pregnancy test, OK? That's just not right.

(It was negative, for those wondering. No, I did not hear the concurrent sigh of relief. I'd assume it was relief, anyway, given that this person chose to test herself in a grocery store's bathroom and left the test for the cleaning guy for proper disposal.)


  1. When I worked at the different movie theatres in Des Moines, the women's rooms were messier, and dirtier. It wasn't even a close race. The janitor at my current place of employment constantly confirms that the women's restrooms in the building are far worse than the men's. And they aren't used by the general public.

    I don't think I will relate my former manager's story of the worst mess he ever had to clean up in the women's room. It was one that definitely could not wait until the morning when the janitor came in, and was one he didn't feel he could ask any of his employees to take care of. Unless, of course, you all want to hear it...

  2. The consensus at my store is that the men’s room is more _generally_ dirty, but the ladies room is more _spectacularly_ dirty. I’ve never seen feces flung on the wall of a men’s room, but have seen it more than once in the ladies...

    Which doesn’t even begin to count the things I’ve cleaned out of the kids department. Who lets their kid pull down their pants and squat in a bookstore, I’ll never know. But alas...

    Best Wishes,
    Andrew Cory
    Do the Job


    Sic Semper Tyrranis

  3. Ugh, my friend's roommate once worked on a documentary about Hover Girls. The ones who are convinced that they'll contract the plague or something if their butts touch the toilet seat and so hover above it when they pee (or worse), thus spraying their business across half the stall. And clog the toilets with all the paper they've laid across the seat in an attempt to keep the germs at bay.

    There are times when I'm using the washroom at the museum and I hear a mother in a stall next to me saying "okay, now be careful that you don't touch the seat", and have to stifle the urge to scream "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

    Oh, there have been days when I have roundly cursed the Hover Girls who used public washrooms before me.

  4. Hurg, nobody should have to clean up other people's pregnancy tests. Nobody should in fact have to clean up other people's toilet messes AT ALL.

  5. Hmmm. That first comment is mine. I was signed in, and had "Aaron" selected, not "Anonymous." I vote for a return to YACCS. But that is just me.


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