I just have to say that I'd have a lot more respect for Janet Jackson if she'd just say, "Yeah, I displayed my breast on national TV for 1.9 seconds. Deal with it, you bunch of puritanical nutjobs." Especially after reading Peggy Noonan's latest screed in which she wrings her no-doubt icy hands. I think that Noonan has been playing some right-wing weirdo variant of the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Game", in which any event at all is connected with 9-11-01:
"I pulled my car into the carwash yesterday, and immediately after driving away with my pristinely shining new body and windshield so clear it's almost like I could reach right through it and touch the clouds where the little birdies frolic. But the illusion was spoiled when a monarch butterfly was caught in a downdraft, and found itself striking my windshield with such force that its poor, delicate body was splattered across the glass. And yet, as I looked upon that orange smear that had formerly been a pretty little butterfly, I had to think back to that day, that horrible day, when I found myself next to some guy who was no doubt thinking the exact same things I'm thinking now. And I think of 9-11, and all the little butterflies, and I realize that America's values are butterflies splatting upon the windshield of liberals."
I do wish, though, that someone would make a videotape of Noonan while she writes a column, just because I always wonder if she tosses her head while writing like she does while speaking on live TV. Over to you, Bob.
(link via TBogg, who is in the process of a redesign. Not that he asked my two cents, but he should keep the archives -- just move them down to the bottom of the sidebar, if need be -- and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think one needs to "upgrade" to use Blogger's RSS feature. I'm using it, and I've never upgraded anything.)
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