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Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Does the new version have that #$&%*@!!! robotic dog thing?

Both Scott of the Gamer's Nook and Nefarious Neddie report that the new incarnation of Battlestar Galactica is actually pretty good. I don't get the Skiffy Channel, so I can't watch the new show. But the reactions are interesting.

It's become something of an article-of-faith that the original show was just a Star Wars-inspired bit of dreck, but I really can't say -- I haven't seen a single episode of the original BG since its original run (which I watched religiously at the age of seven). I do recall that the sequel series, Galactica 1980, really did suck. What I recall most are the promos for that series's pilot episode which featured a shot of Cylon fighters strafing downtown LA or some such thing, and all my friends and I thought, "Cool! The Cylons come to Earth and blow shit up!" Of course, upon actually watching the pilot episode, those shots turn out to be a computer simulation -- Adama said something like, "If the Cylons reach Earth, this is what will happen!", followed by the Cylons-blowing-up-LA stuff. Lame, lame point? I don't have one, of course. O ye of little faith.

And if you ever doubted that the original BG has some fiercely-devoted fans, go check out this discussion thread over on the Filmscore Monthly message boards. The fellow named Eric has been foaming at the mouth about the new BG pretty much ever since the project was originally announced. I have no position on the validity of his points, but I do question the sanity of anyone who can honestly believe that any episode of BG comes even close to the quality of the greatest episodes of Star Trek. So there.

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