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Sunday, October 12, 2003

They're probably Cubs fans, too.

Ooooooooh, lookie! More irate Star Wars fans over on AICN!

Here's the story: A few days ago, AICN put up a publicity notice for some screening of A New Hope that was to take place in Los Angeles. What was interesting is that the people screening the movie advertised it as the original version as released in 1977 (which George Lucas has removed from circulation) as opposed to the 1997 Special Edition.

So, the other night, this film festival (apparently some kind of retrospective on film history) announced that they were unable to get the original version, because - - consistent with his stated policy - - George Lucas would only allow them to screen the Special Edition, and that was that. Chaos, of course, ensued on the AICN TalkBack, in which we have more of George Lucas showing total contempt for the fans and for film history and raping everybody's childhood and selling out and blah blah blah blah blah.

But as I parse this timeline, I'm wondering: how the hell is this George Lucas's fault? This film festival went ahead and announced their screening of the original film before they knew if they had permission to screen it? And George Lucas is to blame?

Well, OK. Tomorrow night I will personally screen Return of the King in my home, and you're all welcome. But if I can't get a print and have to send you all home, remember the logic of the Idiot Star Wars Fan: It's Peter Jackson's fault.

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