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Friday, October 10, 2003

Political Anger Here!

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Dear President Bush,

The other day, Governor-elect of California Arnold Schwarzenegger said this, in reference to the giant budget problems he's about to confront:

"I will make sure that I can meet with President Bush as quickly as possible, because I have a whole bunch of business, California business, to talk to him about and take care of. There's a lot of money we can get from the federal government."

I just want you to know, Mr. President, that if you ride to Mr. Schwarzenegger's and California's rescue now, after allowing that state and its former (Democratic) Governor to twist in the wind along with all us other budget-challenged states, merely because the new Governor there is a Republican and you're naturally hoping to put California's electoral votes in play, not only will I never vote Republican again in my natural lifetime (and I have done so, more frequently than you might immediately believe), even if my mother runs on the Republican ticket against a known cannibal with a taste for children and kittens on the Democratic ticket for county dog-catcher, but at such as I'm actually employed and pulling in money again I shall start donating to any Democrat I can find, for the first time in my life.

Thank you for your attention, Mr. President.

(Link via Billmon.)

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