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Sunday, October 19, 2003

Musical Notes from the World Series

As a card-carrying Star Wars geek (well, I'd carry a card if there was one), I got a kick out of the music played at Yankee Stadium last night for the player introductions before Game One. When the visiting Florida Marlins were introduced, the Yankees played the "Imperial March" from The Empire Strikes Back, which many baseball fans might consider more appropriate for last night's home team, but never mind. Then, the Yankees were introduced to the strains of "Throne Room and End Title" from A New Hope, complete with that wonderful opening brass fanfare followed by the march-version of the Force Theme (originally Ben Kenobi's Theme).

And I thought that Clay Aiken performed a fine rendition of The Star Spangled Banner, except for the moment when the fighter-jet flyover threw him off. I'll admit it, I love Clay's voice. (I'll also admit to liking Celine Dion. Ya got a problem with that?)

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