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Wednesday, September 17, 2003


According to our local weather reports, the Buffalo area will receive rains from Hurricane Isabel early Friday morning, to the tune of 3-5 inches of rain. Wow. It's kind of weird, looking out on a gorgeous sunny day right now and thinking that in less than 48 hours, we will be underneath a tropical depression.

This will be, to my knowledge, the most "direct" hit we've had from a hurricane since I've lived in this area. (Of course, it will no longer be a hurricane when it arrives here, but you get the idea.) The earliest experience I can remember with any hurricane was when I was in second grade. My family lived, at that time, in Elkins, West Virginia. It was Hurricane David that soaked us, although it had made landfall in Florida (if memory serves) and come all the way up the eastern seaboard, so by the time it got to us it was basically a big heap of rain.

Anyway, this is exciting and a bit scary at the same time. I'm sure, though, that if I lived in, say, Virginia along the Atlantic coast, I'd weight it a lot heavier on the "Scary" side of the scale. Best wishes to those who are living right in the line of fire.

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