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Thursday, September 18, 2003

Chickens in the Mist, part the third.

(For an explanation of this particular bit of madness, read this post.)


MORE RECALL MADNESS….In a press conference yesterday, a reporter asked Arnold for his thoughts on why chickens cross roads so often in California. His answer? Because Gray Davis allows it. But of course, when it comes time for Arnold to provide an answer as to what he'll do to stop the tide of chickens crossing our roads, he simply says that he'll ask for a statewide audit of chicken-crossing procedures in California. And McClintock says that he'll authorize people to use their concealed handguns to shoot the chickens.

So, we have one candidate saying we'll audit the chickens, and another encouraging trigger-happy people to fill that California air with bullets in an effort to stop the chickens. And the one candidate who has the most realistic plan for stemming the tide of chickens is Gray Davis, and he's getting recalled! California politics are nuttier than our chickens, by far.

THANKS, RED STATES….A recent federal report suggests that chickens are constantly being enticed to cross the borders from us hard-working blue states to the chicken-starved red-states. So not only do the red-states hate us blue-states because we want the government to work harder at making sure everyone has a chicken, then they steal our chickens!

FRIDAY CAT BLOGGING….Isn't Inkblot (left) cute as she tears the heart out of that live chicken who dared to cross the road in front of our house? But Jasmine (right) prefers tuna. Go figure.

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