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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Chickens in the Mist, first installment.

A few days ago, Sheila had a funny post mocking how SF writers would answer the age-old question, Why did the chicken cross the road? She also solicits people to try some other authors in her comments.

I, however, will attempt something different: doing it with other bloggers. Therefore, the first two entries in yet another sporadic series which will be eventually fall by the wayside three posts after it stops being funny:


THE CHICKEN, REVISITED: Via Blogger#1, we have the goods on the chicken and the road.

Because it had orders to do so from Saddam and al Qaeda.


UPDATE: Blogger#2 says that it's more likely that the chicken merely wanted to cross the road. Maybe. But who can read the mind of a chicken? I'll stick with the first answer.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Blogger#3 has more on the chicken. Blogger#4 has a lot to say about chickens. And read Mickey Kaus on the road-crossing habits of French chickens. Heh.


Blame the CLENIS

The WaPo reports that the chicken coop escaped harm when the suicide-bomber chicken only got halfway across the road before the bomb went off. And who is Howie Kurtz blaming for the recent spate of suicidal chickens crossing roads? Bill Clinton. That damn SCLM!


Torture Wolf Blitzer

Wolfie's asking who's to blame for the chicken! GO!

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