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Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Just a few short notes and bits o' lazy linkage, as I have a lot on the plate today:

:: The other day I mentioned Buffalo's Shakespeare in Delaware Park festival. Over the last few nights, the Festival's theatre was vandalized, thus requiring the cancellation of at least one performance. Disgusting.

:: Jesse of Pandagon is 21 today. In his comments, I suggested something he could do with his newfound legal status, but I suspect he won't be taking me up on it.

:: Two gems via Matthew Yglesias: A chart depicting how unimpressive the current economic recovery really is (in terms of jobs), and a CNN article revealing that Texas Republicans weren't always of the view that running away for reasons of parliamentary procedure is a terrible, terrible thing. Heh, on both counts.

:: Andrew Cory (on his web log) and Aaron Johnson (in my own comments section) point out that SDB's take on the new Harley isn't right. I have no informed opinion, per se, since I'm not into motorcycles. But the thing looks manly enough to me:

:: SDB also has an interesting post today about some excursions he made into anime recently. I'm not familiar with pretty much anything he discusses, with the exception of Princess Mononoke, which is an utterly astounding film, as he writes, and is astounding for pretty much the same reasons that SDB lists: the way the characters are established and developed, the way the plot develops out of the characters' actions and real concerns, et cetera. The film's theme is ecological in nature, but it's not a Luddite ecological message. And the film sports Joe Hisaishi's finest film score.

:: Terminus returns to his ongoing survey of Oliver Stone's films with an essay on what is my favorite Stone picture, JFK.

:: Michael Lopez has been talking a bit about the need to test for better teachers, and today he cites one of those tests from the 1800s that purportedly reveals just how far we've fallen in our expectations. I don't know...I've seen these kinds of tests cited before, but no one ever seems to cite just what the typical scores were back then, so the assumption that everyone actually knew this stuff may not be warranted. Anyway, here's what has to say about just this phenomenon.

:: Best wishes that Roger Ebert's radiation therapy is only a minor speed-bump for his health.

:: Peruvians are returning to a form of agriculture called "waru waru", which was last practiced by the Incas.

:: Useless political trivia: Barring some weird circumstance, the 2008 Republican ticket will be the first since 1972 to not include a man named George Bush or Bob Dole.

:: Posting may be light this coming weekend, as we will be attending the Erie County Fair. Consumption of kettle corn, glazed nuts, Italian sausage sandwiches, and ice cream is expected to be heavy.

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